Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Illegal Immigration & Reconquista

Illegal immigration is out of control & both Congress & the Administration refuse to take serious steps to control it. This is fine with the Reconquista movement. Reconquista(reconquer) is primarily a Mexican movement in the U.S. Those in this movement believe that the Southwest USA, including California, is Mexican territory "stolen" from Mexico. Their aim is to reclaim or reconquer these lands for Mexico. They call these territories "Aztlan", a purely mythical Aztec place of origin which the movement hijacked. They would have you believe that the Southwest is truly their ancestral home. This is a lie. Nonetheless, the Reconquista movement is quickly growing across the USA.

Heading the Reconquista movement is MECHa (Movimiento Estudiantil De Chicanos De Aztlan or the Student Movement of Aztlan Chicanos) & La Raza Unita (The Unified Race). What is alarming about the Reconquista movement is the pure hatred & disdain for Americans & America. Both groups posit a far left agenda which naturally includes calls for amnesty for all illegal aliens. But their agenda spews with angry, racist, anti-white, anti-American tones.

MECHa's publication at the University of California editorially addressed "capitalist whites" & stated, "You've spilled enough of our blood, now it's your turn to bleed you [expletive] sub-human beasts." A MECHa slogan states, "por la Raza todo; fuera la Raza nada" ("for those of our race, everything; for those outside of it, nothing"). They've also editorialized that all immigration agents should be killed. They are virulently anti-Semitic. MECHa seeks an Hispanic take over of California & then the Southwest through massive Hispanic immigration, legal or illegal, peacefully or otherwise. La Voz de Aztlan will give you an idea of their radical philosophy.

La Raza Unita is of the same ilk as MECHa, just as radical & anti-American, just as racist & with same Aztlan baloney. Jose Angel Guitierrez, who founded it, is, incredibly, an attorney & political science professor: "We have an aging white America . . . They are dying. . . . They are sh---ing in their pants with fear! I love it! . . . We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him." "Our devil has pale skin and blue eyes."

And again, "What law made by white men to oppress all of us of color, female and male. This is our homeland. We cannot - we will not - and we must not be made illegal in our own homeland. We are not immigrants that came from another country to another country. We are migrants, free to travel the length and breadth of the Americas because we belong here. We are millions. We just have to survive. We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. It's a matter of time. The explosion is in our population."

Another organization, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) is the most influential Hispanic advocacy group in the United States. Though not radicalized, its policies fit in with MECHa & La Raza as far as unlimited & unrestricted immigration, open borders, etc. Anti-immigration advocates have been called "racist & xeonophobic" by the group. But MALDEF's co-founder belies their benign character when he stated, "California is going to be a Hispanic state, and anyone who doesn't like it should leave. They should go back to Europe."

All these groups are funded in the millions of dollars by the Ford Foundation & other foundations.

A recent demonstration in Baldwin, CA, by 50 Americans objecting to a taxpayer-funded monument whose inscribed text promotes the radical and militant belief in the reconquista of Aztlan [the take-over of the US southwest (Aztlan) by Mexicans] was counter-protested by such groups as MECHa & La Raza. They numbered 500.

These counter-protesters amply showed the disdaim for whites & America. They shouted such things as, "death to the rednecks" & "Zarqawi the Gringo killer, yes!, yes!" Also, "Too bad Osama Bin Laden didn't have a hydrogen bomb to drop on that Jewish shit hole called Manhattan..." & "Ha-ha , your 2 towers fell." One American protester stated, "Numerous times we were told that this land is Mexico and that they were taking it back. Numerous times racists epithets were screamed our way. One person even hurled a full water bottle at our side and sent one of our activists to the hospital with bleeding in the brain."

Not their country

This is what is facing the American people. And it will only get worse, unless drastic measures are taken to stop the illegal invasion of our borders. Radical groups such as MECHa & La Raza cry racism against any anti-immigration reform. But as can be seen, they are the racists & hateful, violence-prone agitators.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Low Interest Home Loans to Illegals

Madison, Wisconsin had decided to provide low interest home loans to "undocumented workers". While you are in your 4 room apartment struggling with trying to come up with the money for a down payment for the home of your American dream, you can have the peace of mind in knowing that, thanks to your tax dollars, an illegal alien who has bought the house across from you has had his American dream come true. Read more here.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Government to Pay Illegal's Health Care

The federal government has decided to reimburse border state hospitals for expenses when caring for illegal aliens. The expected expense is $1 billion taxpayer dollars over the next four years. Until now, hospitals were left holding the bill for treating illegal aliens, putting many hospitals in jeopardy of bankruptcy or forcing their closing down. Hospitals not in a border state must still bite the cost bullet themselves, thereby raising your health costs to recover their losses for treatment of illegals. If anyone has to pay, the government (i.e. taxpayer) should pay, not the hospitals. After all, the federal government is the one that refuses to do anything about the illegal alien crisis.

Besides illegal aliens being treated for free, there is another scam going on with foreigners holding legal tourist visas. They can't afford or can't get treatment in their own country, so they hop a plane to the U.S. & off they go to the hospital, barely stopping to pick up their luggage from the terminal. Costs covered courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer.

For those of you without healthcare or those who are paying a lot of money for their health care plan - eat your hearts out. We suggest you cross into Mexico & sneak back in as an illegal alien.

Thank the corrupt Congress.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Anchor Babies - Back Door to Citizenship for Illegals

After a long trek from central Mexico she reaches the U.S. border at night. Nine months pregnant, she crosses the border illegally & finds her way to a friend's house in a border town in Texas. She is in America. A week later she gives birth at the local hospital. The newborn child is legally an American citizen. With this citizenship, mother & child are entitled to welfare, foods stamps & other support services that an American is eligible for. Having an American citizen as a child, she is secure in the knowledge that she will never be deported. When her child reaches adulthood, that child, under the Family Reunification law, can apply for residency for the mother & any family members back in Mexico. When those members arrive they in time can sponsor their other family members for residency in the U.S. And when they arrive they can sponsor additional members & so on & so on. This is called chain migration. The newborn has "anchored" the extended family to the U.S. & to residency or citizenship.

Anchor babies are quickly becoming the modus operandi of illegal aliens to establish themselves in the U.S. It is estimated 500,000 anchor babies are born in the U.S. each year. One California hospital reported that of 6,500 births, 70% were to illegal aliens.

But anchor babies are not just the domain of illegal aliens. People from other nations come here on tourist visas in their 9th month of pregnancy for the express purpose of giving birth in the U.S. so that they have a U.S. citizen as an anchor baby. In Korea there are travel agencies that arrange travel for pregnant Koreans to the U.S. for the express puropse of birthing a U.S. "citizen". Business is booming.

The shame is not on these illegals or tourists. They are only taking advantage of a technicality. The shame is on Congress & misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment. This amendment, in part, states, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside".

The strict intent of the 14th Amendment, made law after the Civil War, was to give & guarantee citizenship to former black slaves. However, since then the U.S. government has played fast & loose with interpretation. Thus, a child born one minute after it's mother illegally crosses the border is a "citizen". But illegal aliens & tourists are not "subject to the jurisdiction thereof." They are subject to the jurisdiction of the country they came from.

Ireland had the same type of problem. But the incredible number of immigrants to Ireland claiming Irish citizenship for their newborns led Ireland to changing the law & giving Irish citizenship only to those with Irish citizen parents.

It is beyond time for Congress to go back to the original intent of the 14th Amendment & kill the golden goose of anchor babies for illegals & "tourists". The 14th Amendment needs to be amended to end this loophole. But Congress will not do this. They have neither the will or guts & political correctness will stop them in their tracks. Instead, the taxpayer will continue to be burdened even more, the country's population will continue to explode as the influx of our new "citizens" grows & grows. It is an anchor around our country's neck.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Consequences of Illegal Aliens in U.S. Schools

The practical consequences of the Supreme Court's decision (see previous post) to force U.S. schools to enroll illegal aliens into our school systems:

1. Encourage illegal immigration: Illegal alien parents are more inclined to come into this country knowing their children will not only be educated while they work, but be better educated than in their own country.
2. Increased classroom size: Illegal aliens, along with the swell of legal immigrants, are causing crowded classrooms. It is a real problem in many school districts & adds to taxpayer costs in additonal facilities, teachers & resources.
3. Additional costs for ESl/bi-lingual classes: Illegal aliens, along with the swell of legal immigrants, are causing greater taxpayer costs in the form of ESL teachers, facilities, & resources.
4. Cost of education: It costs taxpayers from $7,000 - $10,000 to educate each illegal alien student per year. Local property/school taxes are reflected in this.
5. Cost of Special Education: Illegal alien students who require special education services cost the taxpayer additional money. A facilitated illegal alien student can cost the taxpayer up to $70,000 a year or more - for one student.
6. Lunch programs: Family income of illegal alien students usually falls within eligibility for free school lunches or reduced rate lunches. Your tax dollars at work again. Meanwhile, the U.S. born student whose family income falls just outside eligilbility pays in full for lunch.
7. College competition: Over 100,000 illegal aliens receive high school diplomas in this country each year. They are competing with your U.S. born child for placement in college. Some states have even seen fit to charge illegal aliens in-state tuition - meaning that a U.S. citizen in one state who wants to go to college in another stae will pay the much larger out-of-state tuition, while the illegal alien will pay the much lower in-state tuition.
8. Scholarship money: You child is competing with illegal alien students for precious scholarship money.
9. You fill in what I missed.

Questionable Supreme Court Ruling Forces U.S. Schools to Enroll Illegal Alien Students

In 1982, in a 5-4 questionable decision, the Supreme Court ruled in Plyler v. Doe that public schools were prohibited from denying illegal alien students access to a public education from grades K-12. The Court stated that illegal alien children have the same right to a free public education as U.S. citizens and permanent residents. This ruling has had far reaching effects on the educational system in the U.S.

The following is a summary of their ruling:
1. Public schools are prohibited from maintaining policies that would deny students an education based on their immigration status.
2. School officials cannot require children to prove they are in this country legally by asking for green cards, citizenship papers, passports, visas, etc.
3. School officials cannot take any action or ask any questions intentionally or unintentionally which may expose a child's legal status in this country, as it may cause a "chilling effect" on the child's rights to public education under the Plyler ruling.
4. Schools will not require Social Security numbers for children. If a child has no SSN, then the school will generate a local number for the child. Requiring a SSN can have a "chilling effect" under the Plyler ruling.
5. Any communication to Homeland Security about a specific student by a school official is prohibited.
6. Requests for information by Homeland Security: School personnel are prohibited from cooperating with INS in any way that may jeopardize an immigrant students' right of access.

Rather then addressing the problem of illegal immigration & discouraging it, the Supreme Court has encouraged illegal immigration & has put an unwarranted tax burden on American citizens to educate these illegals as well as the tax payer burden of corollary social services.

In simple terms, the Supreme Court ruling means this:
1. A child can walk into a public school & freely admit to being an illegal alien - to being in this country illegally. The school must accept this illegal alien into the school system & educate him. The child cannot be denied.
2. The school, knowing or suspecting the child is an illegal alien, is prohibited from contacting Homeland Security or any other agency & reporting the child or his parents as illegal aliens.
3. The school, knowing or not knowing if the child is an illegal alien, cannot ask for identification in the form of passports, visas, green cards or any other documentation that may reveal the child's immigration staus. The court reasons that illegal aliens would be "chilled" by such requests - meaning they would be less likely to enroll & have their child educated if such documentation was requested.
4. Social Security numbers are required in the routine course of completing school paperwork. However, if a child has none, he cannot be told he must get one. Instead, the child will be assigned a local school number for paperwork purposes. The child's parents can not be told to get a SSN,either, if they have none. Remember the catchy phrase, "chilling effect"? As such, school Free or Reduced Lunch programs or other programs that require SSN's for adult household members will not be required from members who do not have one, but will instead be given a locally generated number or write "none" on any forms.
5. School officials will not cooperate with Homeland Security or other federal agencies upon any inquiry of a student, unless a valid, specific warrant is presented.

The infinite wisdom of the Supreme Court .

Friday, May 06, 2005

Borders? What Borders?

10%-15% of the population of Mexico lives illegally in the United States. If it were the other way around, at least 28 million Americans would be living illegally in Mexico. $23 billion dollars annually is sent back to families in Mexico from Mexicans working in the United States. It has surpassed oil exports as Mexico's biggest income producer. So much for the old saw about illegals contributing to the American economy.

Will the last Mexican in Mexico please turn out the lights before crossing the border? Gracias.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Illegal Aliens - Ailing With Diseases?

Here is an interesting article on the diseases that are being brought into this country by the unchecked, uninspected hordes of illegal aliens. Scary.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Through The Door & Not The Window

America has always welcomed immigrants. We are a nation of immigrants. We are also a nation of laws. The legal immigrant is welcomed with open arms. The illegal immigrant disregards the law. The illegal immigrant cuts in front of the line of those waiting patiently & legally to enter this country. The illegal immigrant puts greater strain on taxpayer dollars in the form of healthcare, schooling & social services. The illegal immigrant enters the country unchecked for communicable diseases. Following the trail of illegal immigrants crossing our southern border are the drug smugglers & potential terrorists.

It is beyond time for Congress & the President to get serious about this national crisis. As of yet they have failed to or refused to do anything about it except with lip service. This goverment must take firm control to stop the invasion of our southern border.

This blog will present news & facts on the illegal immigration front as well as opinion from various sources. Maybe in time enough citizens will get angry enough so that our government will take notice & secure our borders as they should be secured.