Saturday, August 27, 2005

Dallas to Principals: Learn Spanish or Fired

The Dallas Independent School District Board has voted 5-4 in favor of a proposal that makes it mandatory for all principals in its schools with a 50% or more Hispanic student body to learn Spanish. The principals would be given 3 years to learn the Spanish language. Failing to do so would result in termination, i.e., fired. So now, full-time working school administrators must spend sufficient time learning Spanish so that they are proficient in the language or they get the heave-ho.

The proposal came about after an event was held & some Hispanic parents complained that because they didn't speak English, they couldn't understand the event.

Welcome to the United States of Political Correctness. The powers that be are again kowtowing to immigrants who refuse to learn English or are too lazy-assed to learn it. Their children are in Bi-lingual programs & English as a Second Language programs, but learning English themselves is not high on their list.

There are sufficient Spanish speaking teachers & counselors in their school system for non-English speaking parents. A Spanish-speaking principal is totally unnecessary. If one is necessary, why not a Spanish-speaking Vice-Principal & on down the line? Why not have a Portuguese speaking principal to accommodate Portuguese & Brazilians? Or Chinese, or...well you get the idea. Instead, future job applicants for the principal position are now to be discriminated against because they only speak English in an English-speaking country. Duh.

This idea is idiotic, as are the people who pushed it & voted for it. Political correctness and accommodation gone amuck.

And this related item from U.S. English, Inc.

Spanish Set to Become Official Language of Seven Denver Public Library Branches

In a sharp break from American tradition, the Denver Public Library is promoting a plan that would make seven of its branches “Spanish focused,” banishing English language books to the backroom. The “Languages and Learning” plan would dramatically increase Spanish language offerings and staff, designating some locations as Spanish dominant. The proposal is currently under review by the Library Commission and an advisory board.
“Denver’s action is a dubious first in American history: a major U.S. city is creating a public institution that intentionally excludes native-born Americans,” explained Mauro E. Mujica, Chairman of the Board of U.S. English, Inc. “This action goes against the model of assimilation that has successfully served the United States for centuries.”
“In a nation of immigrants, focusing on a single non-English language is the type of favoritism that we should have abandoned years ago. The taxpayers of Denver — residents who speak 68 languages — should not stand idly by while their money goes to support immigrants from El Salvador or Colombia over immigrants from Vietnam or Egypt.”
Library officials counter that the switch to Spanish dominant libraries is an extension of the institution’s purpose. They claim that the Languages and Learning plan will assist Spanish speaking residents in becoming members of their community. Proponents call the plan “cutting edge” and “revolutionary.”
“I fail to see how an ‘Official Spanish’ Library will aid immigrants in learning English and becoming Americans,” Mujica continued. “If anything, it will further the notion that Spanish-speaking immigrants can live in relative comfort without needing to learn our common language. If we are to successfully continue as a nation of immigrants, we cannot send an ‘English Optional’ message to any immigrant group.”

Monday, August 22, 2005

Town To Pay For Day Laborer (Illegals) Site

The small town of Herndon, Va., has decided to use taxpayer dollars to build a Day Laborer Center. Day laborers have been an on-going issue in Herndon. They hang out around the 7-11 store in town. There have been complaints of litter, urination & cat-calling women, not to mention the unsightly crowd of laborers hanging out in the area. Some residents have been reluctant to go into the 7-11 or nearby stores, & businesses have complained.

Not a Protest - Just Day Laborers Waiting for Jobs

The town council has held crowded hearings on the issue & recently voted to have a center established for the laborers, run by the town, in another, more residential area. Naturally, residents in that area are worried about property values & the problems that existed at the 7-11 store.

7-11 Hangout

According to a county report, 99.5 percent of day laborers in Herndon are Hispanic, and 87 percent are illegal immigrants. Employers -- which include contractors, other day laborers and private homeowners -- seek them out for construction, landscaping, painting and janitorial work.

Oh - we neglected to mention that the proposed site for the center is at, yup, the police station.

We wonder why 7-11 never took action to stop the laborers from gathering in their parking lot & at their door. They precipitated the problem. We also wonder why the police, who eagerly chase away 3 or more teenagers from loitering allowed this gathering of laborers. We also note the irony of having mostly illegals who will ply their trade, under the noses of a police station. One councilman said that the police cannot enforce Federal immigration law. But he is wrong.

Day laborer hang-outs are becoming epidemic throughout the country, especially where there are large Hispanic populations, which in turn attracts large numbers of illegals. Many towns have been caught in the sudden surge of Hispanic residents & with it the given of day laborer hang-outs. Farmingville, Long Island, NY, is in the midst of a huge controversy over day laborers in their town.

There is blame to go around. The Federal government has refused to control our borders properly. Towns are too willing to pass the buck of illegal immigration to the Federal government by not allowing their police to become proactive on illegal immigration. Even if they did, the Immigration Bureau fails to provide enough immigration officers in the area & the towns see little or no reimbursement for jailing expenses, etc. Businesses like the 7-11 & Home Depot tolerate & actively condone laborer activity on their property. Contractors, landscapers & the home owner who needs a low cost paint job are to blame.

Coming to a Town Near You

Judicial Watch, a government watchdog group, has advised the Town of Herndon that they are going to file a law suit to stop the taxpayer funded center. We will keep you posted.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Hispanic Poll on Immigration: Half of Mexico Wants to Move to the U.S.

The Pew Hispanic Center recently conducted a survey of native-born & foreign-born Hispanics about a number of immigration issues. The results are interesting. The key findings are:

1. 80% say immigrants strengthen the United States, while 14% say they are a burden.
2. 68% say illegal immigrants help the US economy because of low-cost labor, while 23% say they drive down wages.
3. 55% approve of drivers licenses to illegals, while 41% disapprove.
4. 43% say legal immigration should stay the same, 13% say reduced & 31% say increased.
5. 84% favor proposals to give illegal aliens permanent status, then citizenship.
6. 37% think Democrats have the best policy on immigration, while 23% say Republicans.
7. 55% say to be part of American society one should speak English, 43% said no.
8. 79% say to be part of American society one should believe in the Constitution, 16% said no.
9. 54% say to be part of American society one should become a US citizen, 42% said no.
10. 59% think schools should teach English only, while 40% said no.

Pew also surveyed Mexicans living in Mexico:

1. 46% say they would live in the US if they had the means & opportunity. That translates to over 46 million Mexicans.
2. 21% say they would be inclined to live in the US illegally. That translates to over 21 million Mexicans.
3. 54% say they would be inclined to go to the US on Bush's Guest Worker Program. That translates to over 54 million Mexicans - half of Mexico.
4. The desire to emigrate, legally or illegally cuts across all class of Mexicans; young, old, rich, poor, educated, uneducated.
5. One out of every eight adults born in Mexico now lives in the US.

There are a few things disturbing about this survey:

1. 54 million Mexicans would be inclined to go to the US on a Guest Worker program. That is half the population of Mexico. We see a disaster coming if President Bush has his way with this program & there are no definite restrictions as to the number of "guest workers". Especially when it comes time for the guest workers to leave the US & they don't.
2. 21 million Mexicans, 20% of the country, is inclined to come to the US illegally. Any amnesty given to the 10+ million illegals already here will give impetus to the other 21 million to come to the US in hopes of their own amnesty.
3. The myth that only the poor, uneducated, low-paid Mexican is coming to the US illegally is just that - a myth. The desire to get here cuts across all economic & educational classes.
4. The reluctance of a large percentage to learn English & who are against English-only school classes demonstrates that assimilation into American society is not their goal.

Some serious problems are ahead of us if Congress & the President do nothing to secure our borders & stem the flow of immigration.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

2nd State Declares Border Emergency

Coming on the heels of the recent declaration by New Mexico of a border emergency, Arizona's Gov. Janet Napolitano declared an emergency Monday in four border counties because of problems related to illegal immigration and moved to provide local governments in those counties with up to $1.5 million in state funding. The funding is similar to New Mexico's ( see below post).

Napolitano's order said failure by the federal government to secure the border allowed a flood of illegal immigration that threatened public health and safety, "thereby necessitating immediate action by the state ... to aid its border counties.''

"All of this, bottom line every last bit of this, is a federal responsibility but the federal government has not done what it needs to do and has promised to do,'' said L'Ecuyer, Napolitano's spokeswoman. She added that the actual damage and the level of frustration compelled Napolitano to act.

Napolitano also has accused the federal government of repeatedly failing to act on illegal immigration, particularly on reimbursement of state and local government costs for apprehending, prosecuting and imprisoning illegal immigrants who commit crimes in Arizona.

This is more welcome news for illegal alien control & again points up the Federal government's failure to secure our southern border.

What is interesting about these two states is that both Governors are Democrats & both were less than willing in the past to do anything about the illegal alien issue. In fact, Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, & Hispanic himself, gave a speech to Hispanics a few years ago in which he shouted, "Viva La Raza" (long live the race) & extolled the virtues of the immigration tide. Both have now jumped on the issue for whatever reason.

What with Hillary Clinton's recent conversion to an anti-illegal immigration stance, the Dems seem to be beating the Republicans on this issue, while the Republicans twiddle their thumbs mulling over a "guest worker" plan. Illegal immigration will be an important issue in 2008 & the Dems seemed to have figured it out.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

New Mexico Governor Declares Border Emergency

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson on Friday declared an emergency in four New Mexico counties along the border. By declaring the emergency, $1.75 million in funds are now available to spend on drug smuggling, border crimes & re-fencing a livestock yard which has seen cattle stolen or killed. The livestock yard is also open to stray Mexican cattle & illegal aliens. A field office for the state Homeland Security Office will also be provided.

Richardson's declaration said law enforcement officials have used all available resources to help with border security. But those efforts haven't alleviated the situation, which he said ''constitutes an emergency condition with potentially catastrophic consequences.''

''Recent developments have convinced me this action is necessary - including violence directed at law enforcement, damage to property and livestock, increased evidence of drug smuggling and an increase in the number of undocumented immigrants,'' he said.

There was also concern about Mexican cattle in the USA. ''We don't want contagious diseases to contaminate our food supply and disrupt our agricultural economy,'' Richardson said in a statement before his trip.

The announcement by Richardson, a Democrat, is a pleasant surprise. He may be serious about his actions or he may be posturing for a 2008 presidential or vice-presidential bid. We don't care if he is looking to get a Boy Scout merit badge out of this. The fact that a state official has taken some action to help secure our borders is commendable. More & more state & local officals are stepping up to do something about our insecure borders & the illegal alien invasion.

The Federal government has shirked its responsibilities in these areas. Congress & the President continue to do nothing to secure our borders & stem the flood of illegals.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Illegals Cost Florida $4.3 Billion a Year

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) has issued a detailed report on the cost to Floridians by illegal aliens. Florida's illegal alien population is estimated at 630,000.

Fair reports that over $4 billion a year is spent on public education for illegals, $165 million a year on non-reimbursed health care costs of illegals & $155 million a year for jailing illegals charged with crimes. This amounts to about $575 a year per Florida household headed by a native-born resident. Fair concludes by stating that if nothing is done to stem the burden of illegal aliens to Florida that in 10 years the yearly cost to taxpayers will rise to $8 billion. The report does not even consider the impact of overcrowding, additional traffic, environmental issues & the sudden cultural change by 630,000 illegals.

At $4.3 billion a year, in 10 years we are talking $43 billion dollars. Think what that money could do for Floridian taxpayers. For one thing, it could lower their taxes. Instead of peeing it away on illegals who committed a crime by getting into this country, the money could be spent on the state's infrastructure, better health care for Americans, more health care for those Americans who can't afford it, helping the poor & the homeless Americans in Florida. The money could be used in so many ways to help Floridians.

Instead, because of the Congress & the President's dismal failure to do anything about the illegal invasion, Floridians are being cheated out of the benefits that $4.3 billion a year could provide them. Add in the other 49 states that are throwing money away because of illegals & you're talking about a huge travesty with taxpayer dollars.

Thank the Congress & the President for betraying its citizens ( the legal ones we mean).

Friday, August 05, 2005

Violent Mexican Drug Thugs Expand Into U.S.

A renegade band of Mexican military deserters, offering $50,000 bounties for the assassination of U.S. law-enforcement officers, has expanded its base of operations into the United States to protect loads of cocaine and marijuana being brought into America by Mexican smugglers, authorities said (full article).

Known as "Zetas", they are Mexican Army deserters who were trained in commando operations in the U.S. These low-life are violent, vicious killers. Across the border from Laredo, Texas, in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, a city of 300,000, they are in a battle with police & opposing gangs. 100 people have been killed there since January. The new police chief was killed on his first day. His replacement was wounded on his first day. The violence is spilling over into the USA with killings in Dallas & other cities. Assaults on U.S. Border Patrol Agents have increased dramatically.

The Border patrol is woefully undermanned. There are few to cover 1,800 miles of the southern border. Congress recently voted down additional agents. The President & Congress are doing nothing but talk about the need for greater border control. Homeland Security is doing a great job preventing Granny from getting on a plane with nailclippers, but they are a complete failure in protecting our southern border. The southern border is wide open not only to illegal Mexican immigrants, but to drug cartels, violent gangs, criminals, perverts, illegal border crossers from Europe, the mid-East & Asia & to potential terrorists. Americans are already dying daily because of the pedophiles, rapists & other criminals that cross the border unchecked. How many more are the President & Congress willing to sacrifice for their nonfeasance?

It is appalling how unprotected we are along this border, despite billions being poured into Homeland Security. It is way beyond time to stop the meaningless talk from Washington & do something about it, even if it requires the National Guard along the border.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Illegals Taking Teen Summer Jobs

A study was done(related article here)at Northeastern University that showed teen summer employment has dropped 36.7% this summer, the biggest drop since studies began in 1948.

The report attributed much of the drop due to businesses hiring immigrants, of which at least 50% are illegal. Increasingly, businesses are paying these immigrants off the book, thereby saving in taxes, workers compensation & other benefits.

Andrew Sum, the director of the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University, said more business owners interviewed as part of his research indicate that they are adding immigrant workers to their payrolls for the April through November period. "By the time kids get out of school on vacation, it's too late," he said. "The jobs are filled."

Typically, he said, for every 10 immigrants hired by construction and landscaping firms, two are put on the books as eligible for workers' compensation. If one of the illegal workers gets injured, he said, employers often "flip" that worker into a job slot filled by a covered worker, who then goes off the books.

Businesses are perhaps the biggest factor in adding to the illegal immigration mess we have. If they didn't hire illegals then there would be less impetus for illegals to come to Los Estados Unidos. But businesses put profit over patriotism. They cheat the government with less tax dollars, as well as have an unfair financial edge against competitors who do play by the rules. In the process, the American teen is losing out.

The pathetic thing about this whole affair is that two years ago only 40 businesses nationwide were cited for hiring illegals. As if it couldn't get any worse, last year only 3 businesses were cited!

The Congress & the President have been dismal failures in protecting Americans from the immigrant invasion. The scope of their non-feasance is appalling. They are traitors to every American citizen.